Community trial of silver fluoride treatment for deciduous dentition caries in remote Indigenous communities

Community trial of silver fluoride treatment for deciduous dentition caries in remote Indigenous communities Kaye F Roberts‐Thomson Diep H Ha Simon Wooley Sandra Meihubers Loc G Do First published: 18 March 2019 This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and… Continue reading Community trial of silver fluoride treatment for deciduous dentition caries in remote Indigenous communities

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An Alternative Technique of Care Using Silver Fluoride Followed by Stannous Fluoride in the Management of Root Caries in Aged Care

AN  ALTERNATE  TECHNIQUE  OF  CARE  USING  SILVER  FLUORIDE ARTICLE Spec Care Dentist XX(X) 2015 1 © 2015 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1111/scd.12153 ARTICLE Alan Deutsch, BDS* General practitioner, Bondi Junction, NSW; MPhil graduate student, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney *Corresponding author e-mail: Spec Care Dentist XX(X): 1-8, 2015… Continue reading An Alternative Technique of Care Using Silver Fluoride Followed by Stannous Fluoride in the Management of Root Caries in Aged Care

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Unexpected sequel to silver fluoride followed by stannous fluoride treatment of root stumps in an aged-care patient.

Unexpected sequel to silver fluoride followed by stannous fluoride treatment of root stumps supporting an overlay denture in an aged-care patient Abstract An institutionalized high care dementia patient, who is unable to maintain his own oral health, presented with five lower anterior carious root stumps supporting a lower overlay denture. Due to limited cooperation, his… Continue reading Unexpected sequel to silver fluoride followed by stannous fluoride treatment of root stumps in an aged-care patient.

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Creighton’s Silver Bullet

Creighton’s Silver Bullet The use of Creighton Dental’s silver fluoride stannous fluoride combination (CSDS TM) to control and diagnose caries is well recognised. Teeth treated with CSDSTM can form a hard black matte on the treated surface known, as “The Black Diamond”. Creighton Dental has supercharged “The Back Diamond”, to the form “The  Surface Silver… Continue reading Creighton’s Silver Bullet